

Camphor trees can also be so poetic and picturesque, with music, people feel youthful and energetic, like being in a forest, gently caressed by the breeze, hugged by phytoncide, full of healing. When traveling, you might as well look up at the sky, and perhaps catch an unexpected scene.

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@ourstory338 被我們抓包,原來是你一直偷看我們,終於被錄到躲在葉子後方的太陽公公。太陽公公表示:是你偷拍我,不是我偷看你們;太陽公公也很幽默。樟樹也很詩情畫意,再搭配音樂,讓人感到青春活力,有如置身森林中,微風輕撫,芬多精擁抱,療癒感十足。外出旅行時,不妨抬頭看看天空,或許可以補捉到意想不到景色。Camphor trees can also be so poetic and picturesque, with music, people feel youthful and energetic, like being in a forest, gently caressed by the breeze, hugged by phytoncide, full of healing. When traveling, you might as well look up at the sky, and perhaps catch an unexpected scene. #最美的風景 #樟樹步道 #放鬆心情 #台灣 #太陽公公 ♬ 原聲 - 無糖甜點

無糖甜點 TikTok:https://www.tiktok.com/@ourstory338
無糖甜點 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ourstory338

10月 09, 2022

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