

The most important thing is to do what makes you happy. Why do I say that? The things that many people are engaged in at this stage may be the things that make them happiest. Because there are many helpless realities in life, and they may also care too much about other people or the world’s views, they will inexplicably convince themselves and slowly compromise. But people also gave up what they loved. You only have one life, and you may regret giving up something you love.

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@chuan6688 做自己開心的事最重要,為什麼這麼說呢?有可能許多人現階段所做的事,是能讓自己開心快樂的事,但礙於生活中很多無奈現實,另一方面,也有可能太在乎其它人或世俗的看法,自己莫名說服自己慢慢的妥協,最終放棄了自己喜歡從事的事物了。人生只有一次,放棄了自己喜歡的事就有可能會後悔。The most important thing is to do what makes you happy. Why do I say that? The things that many people are engaged in at this stage may be the things that make them happiest. Because there are many helpless realities in life, and they may also care too much about other people or the world’s views, they will inexplicably convince themselves and slowly compromise. But people also gave up what they loved. You only have one life, and you may regret giving up something you love. #做自己 #開心最重要 #自己喜歡 ♬ 原聲 - 小恐龍


10月 18, 2022

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