

Do you like to explain your personal characteristics to others? Some personality traits, such as character, literacy, etc., do not need to be explained to others. Because your words and behaviors explain everything and are the best answer.

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@chuan6688 你是否喜歡跟其他人說明你個人的特點?有些人格特質,例如:人品、素養等等,是不需要向別人解釋,因為你的言行舉止說明了一切,這就是最好的答案。Do you like to explain your personal characteristics to others? Some personality traits, such as character, literacy, etc., do not need to be explained to others. Because your words and behaviors explain everything and are the best answer. #有些事不用解釋 #行為就是答案 #語錄 ♬ 原聲 - 小恐龍


10月 20, 2022

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