

Almost everything has two sides. If you only look at the negative side, you will naturally feel depressed, and upset. Try to put yourself in a different angle and look at things from the positive side, and you will naturally feel better. As long as you take care of your feelings, things will go more smoothly and it will be easier to be happy.

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@chuan6688 幾乎所有事情都是一體兩面的,若只看消極的一面,心情自然會低落、郁悶,就會煩心。嘗試讓自己換個角度,從積極的一面看待事情,心情自然會好。只要照顧好心情的感受,事情就會比較順利,也比較容易開心。Almost everything has two sides. If you only look at the negative side, you will naturally feel depressed, and upset. Try to put yourself in a different angle and look at things from the positive side, and you will naturally feel better. As long as you take care of your feelings, things will go more smoothly and it will be easier to be happy. #換個角度 #順心 #正向 ♬ 原聲 小恐龍


10月 22, 2022

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