

The face is no index to the heart. It's you made a mistake on someone and you will suffer. Pay more attention to everything, observe carefully, and leave the rest to time. Eventually time will help us prove everything is true or false.

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@chuan6688 知人知面不知心,看錯人會吃虧。凡事多留意,細心觀察,其它的交給時間,時間會幫我們證明一切的真與假。The face is no index to the heart. It's you made a mistake on someone and you will suffer. Pay more attention to everything, observe carefully, and leave the rest to time. Eventually time will help us prove everything is true or false. #看人 #用心 #真假 #時間 ♬ 原聲 - 小恐龍


11月 05, 2022

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