How to embed and resize Youtube video for your blog?

How to embed and resize Youtube video for your blog?

Many blogers have met this issue. They want to embed Youtube video in their blog. I am going to tell you the easy way to make it quickly. Follow me step by step. I belevie you can make it.

step 1. Choose the video you want to embed as the following photo.
step 2. hit "Embed" button and RESIZE the video, then copy the code.

step 3. Login your blog, choose "Posting" and "Edit Html" mode. You can put the Title you want,then paste code into the red square area.

Step 4. hit "PUBLISH POST", you will see the video is embeded on your blog.
That's it. Is it ok for you? I hope you Enjoy the fun.
If you still have any issue, Don't hesitate to post a comment. Thank you very much.

8月 12, 2010

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